Feb 7, 2017

Saber | Conocer

Hello Readers!  I'm back from my blogging-fast!  This was a much-needed rest, and I feel more energized to step back into the world of writing.  =)  January was a crazy, fast-paced month with school starting up again, editing/being an early reader for some author friends, living life, and striving to keep focus on Jesus during the busy times.  I don't know how I could have taken time to add blogging on top of all of that...this break was wonderful. =)  And while I don't know exactly what the future holds for Having a Heart Like His or if God has plans that I don't see yet, I am excited to be on here again with you all.  Thus, let's jump right into the new blogging series that has been on my heart for the past weeks!

Languages hold secrets. Mysteries that once discovered shed light on the truth. Meanings that are deeper than just the outward appearance.

But sometimes those deeper meanings are just confusing. I have been learning Spanish for at least eight years, and I still haven't mastered it. Some words seem to mean the exact same thing, but they have slight differences; you can't mix them up. It's frustrating. I stared at these two words wondering what in the world was the difference: Saber and Conocer. They are both verbs that mean "to know." So what's the difference? Why can't they be reversible? Can't I just use whichever one I want? But then my friend Lydia explained it to me. And underneath the Spanish words were a deeper meaning that made me think. They inspired me. 

The definition of the Spanish word saber is "to know." ) But that is only the surface. Saber means to know a fact. To know a skill. You could say that you saber how to swim. It's the basic word for knowledge.

The definition of conocer is also "to know." Yet it has a much deeper meaning. Conocer is to know something intimately. It means that you know someone personally. You don't just know their name, their favorite color, and their birthday. You know them

Here's an example. I saber (know of) Chris Tomlin. I know his name. I know that he is a music artist, and I could recognize his songs. I know what he looks like. But do I really know him? Of course not! However I conocer (know personally) my mom. I know not only her name but also what she looks like, her favorite color, her pet peeves, her struggles and worries, her love languages, etc. I know a lot about her. I have spent time with her, and I know her personally. Deeply.

Perhaps these are still just two words for you. Perhaps the meaning doesn't impact you like it did me. But it made me look at things differently. 

What would it be like if our relationship with God wasn't just a saber relationship? What if we truly knew God in a conocer way? Imagine if we didn't just know of God but we knew Him as a friend?

Knowing that there is a God isn't enough. (see James 2:19) Knowing the Bible isn't enough. Knowing how to be a Christian isn't enough.

I don't remember who said this, but it is so true. "Christianity is not a religion; it's a relationship."

It's a relationship between a person and God. It doesn't involve your parents, your friends, or anyone else. Christianity is YOU and GOD.

The Bible has a term that I have been studying for several weeks. We can't just call ourselves Christians. We need to be abiding in Christ. Our lives need to be revolving around Him. We should live each day with our eyes focused on our Savior. Our own desires, plans, and dreams should be dim and lifeless because we are so enamored with Jesus Christ.

I haven't mastered this. I struggle to abide in Christ continually. My eyes often loose focus; my feet often stumble. I live in my own strength and fall short so many times. This isn't about me. It's about Christ. It's about a relationship. 

Because this is something I want to dig deeper into (and I hope you do too!), I want to truly discover what abiding means. Over the next few weeks, months, or as long as it takes, I want my life to be changed. I want us together as sisters and brothers in Christ to press on together to become more than saber Christians. I want to conocer God. I want to know Him deeply and intimately. I want to understand what abiding is and live that out. 

I don't know what will happen on this blog as we explore this topic...but I want my life to change. I want my relationship with God to deepen. I hope you will join me.

Is your relationship with God deep or only on the surface? Do you saber or conocer God? How can we practice abiding in Christ as a lifestyle? Comment below! 

*note If you are a Spanish-speaker and see a flaw in my use of these Spanish terms, please let me know. I am a beginner and am open to learning more. =)


  1. it's like this in french too! kind of. there's a word for "to know information" and one for "to know people/places"
    that's so cool! :D

    1. That is very interesting, Chloë! Sometimes I wonder if our English dictionary is missing some important words. ;) But that only makes learning other languages so impacting. For instance, in Greek there are different words for love: Brotherly love (philia), unconditional and sacrificial love (agape), romantic love (eros), and affection (storge). In English we use the same "love" for "I love chocolate", "I love my best friend" and "I love God." I would appreciate being able to really say what the "love" I am feeling is. =) (I know that is kind of going on a bunny trail, but I have been impacted by those terms of "love") =) Have you ever discovered words with deeper meanings that impacted you?

    2. I was thinking the same thing about french, Chloë. The french words even start with the same first letters as the corresponding Spanish ones!

  2. This is such an amazing post, Hosanna! I love how you applies those Spanish words to something that I really needed to hear right now. Thank you! ♥

    1. I love how God convicts us of similar things during similar times, Emily. Abiding in Christ has been something that I have been longing to do...something that I'm struggling with. I desperately hope that through examining this term I will be encouraged in my walk with Christ and (God-willing!) encourage others. How have you been practicing abiding in Christ? Do you have any songs or Bible passages that have helped along the way? =)

  3. Firstly, it's nice to see you back! :) And how amazing that God used a couple of foreign words to teach you more about Himself! It's so true too - I've recently found really wanting to know God more deeply. Knowing about Him doesn't satisfy.. So yes, I want to join you on this journey, and I'm looking forward to future posts and discussion on the topic. :) Blessings!

    P.s Have you read 'The True Vine'?

    1. Hello again, dear Jessica. ♥ I'm so glad to "see" your face again!

      I agree..."knowing" God is not enough. I feel like I know all about Him already. I've read the Bible cover to cover. But do I truly know Him in a conocer way? Do I have a strong, impenetrable relationship with Him? I wish I could say yes, but it is a struggle to truly abide sometimes...

      Thank you so much for joining me in this adventure! I have no clue where it will lead...I just want to learn as we go along. These upcoming posts might not be earth-shattering to everyone, (how impossible that would be!) but I want to take time to really consider..."Am I abiding in Christ? And if not, why not?"

      And no, I have not read The True Vine. Your rating seems to show that it blessed and encouraged you. Would you recommend it? Thank you for leaving your thoughts, my friend. ♥

  4. Hosanna,
    This post really inspired and encouraged me. I don't just want to be a shallow Christian either. Thank you for this. I really needed it especially today.
    Keep working on that Spanish. I took it for four years and still have so much to learn. I have started learning a new language, but hope to go back to Spanish sometime. :)

    God bless you.
    In Christ,

    1. Oh, Ashley! I am so glad that this post inspired you. ♥ This is a topic that has been on my heart for quite a while - What does Abiding mean? And how can I live it out? I think of a song I have played and sung to so many times. "I don't wanna go through the motions. I don't wanna go one more day without Your all-consuming passion inside of me." His all-consuming passion. Inside of me. If that is possible, truly possible, what could keep us away from having that relationship?!

      Yes, Spanish is very difficult...but I am thankful for the years that I have poured out into learning it. =)

      Thank you, Ash. ♥

  5. Hey, Hosanna!As soon as I saw the ending for this blog post I was like, "I know those words!" I actually just learned them in my Spanish class. I'm so glad that God was able to show you such a profound yet simple truth, though the meaning of those two simple verbs.

    My best friends reminds me a lot of you and actually has the same name, Hosanna. I often share your posts with her and talk with her about them.

    Thank for for this challenge! You posts always inspire me to serve Christ more fully!

    -Karis (from over on Goodreads)

    1. Hello Karis! ♥ I'm so glad to see your beautiful name here. =) And I'm doubly thankful that you were challenged by this post. I love that God can use insignificant things (like one, little blog) to bless and motivate others to live for Him.

      Aren't second languages fascinating? Even though it can be hard to master them, I enjoy trying to decipher the meanings of foreign words. And, sometimes, you find even deeper meanings such as with saber and conocer!

      Your best friend must be lovely. hehe. ;)

      Thank you, Karis. You are an encouragement to me. Keep fighting the good fight and abiding in Christ! ♥

    2. Hey, Hosanna! Sometimes I think that it's the apparent "little things" that God uses in ways that we can't even begin to fathom. I just read a really good blog post on that subject written by another lovely Christian girl. Here's the link if you want to check it out:https://rufflesandgrace.com/2017/02/13/where-is-your-mission-field/

      Yes, I love learning Spanish! I believe I bore my family off explaining all the grammar rules I find fascinating or random details. And I've developed a habit of repeating anything I say or someone else says in Spanish if I know all the words. LOL

      And she is! Really, she's encouraged me in the LORD so many times and has been a pillar in my life. I can't wait for you to meet her some day in heaven :)The two Hosannas that God has placed in my life to challenged me to really grow in Him.

      You too! God bless you.


    3. That is definitely true, Karis...sometimes the littlest things can have the biggest impacts on our lives. A smile, a kind word, gentle encouragement. However, it's also easy to forget those little blessings, which is why we need to to remembering, thanking, and glorifying God at all times!

      Thank you for sharing that blog post...that is a good reminder. Our goal in life shouldn't be to do amazing, great things for God in the future, it should be to serve Him right here, right now, with the people in front of us. ♥

      Aww! ♥ I would love to meet her too. I have some of those friends as well...ones who have encouraged me, been there for me, and challenged me. =) Aren't they a blessing? And I'm so glad to get to know you, for you have already been encouraging to converse with. ♥

    4. You're so right. I was talking last night to my Hosanna about this blog post and she said it was a great encouragement to her :)

      What you were saying about about not forgetting to appericate little blessings reminds we strongly of another excellent blog post I just read last night. I think that God is really using these various blog posts to speak some amazing truths to me. Isn't it cool to see how God interweaves different lessons you've learned so that everything connects?!

      I'm glad to have had this conversation with you too. I love talking with my sisters-in-Christ about topics like this :)


    5. I enjoy talking with you too, Karis. ♥ Sisters-in-Christ are one blessing that I thank God for so many times! And yes - I can totally relate to what you said! I have had more than one occasion when I was struggling with a certain trial, and randomly another friend said she was going through the same thing. (Or, as you said, when you see a particular message through different blogs/books, and it's as if God is really getting your attention!) Thankfulness - noticing the little blessings in life - is an important aspect of abiding in Christ. It's also one I need to continue working on. Thank you for the encouragement and reminder, my new friend. ♥

  6. This was such a good post! What a neat parallel. I have thought a bit about this too. How easy is it to saber God, but not conocer Him. I'm very much looking forward to discussing abiding!

    1. Yes, it is so easy to know about God without knowing Him personally, Hannah. It can definitely be a struggle. Philippians 1:6 encourages me when I feel overwhelmed...He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion... ♥ What a beautiful reminder. =) I am excited about discussing the topic of abiding as well, and I hope that we encourage one another to seek the Lord together.

    You are so right, Christianity isn't sabering God. Even unbelievers do that, and it's not going to change anything in our lives if we do the same. But conocering God is going to TOTALLY TRANSFORM US and I am sooo glad that you are pursuing Him, to know Him more deeply!!
    (oh, AND GUESS WHAT. I just finished reading 'One Thing You Can't Do In Heaven' and OHMYGRACIOUS was it goooood!!)

    1. I'M BACK!! *bear hugs with Ariel* hehe

      Yes! That is exactly what I was thinking. Let me find the verse...James 2:19: "You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe - and tremble!" I love the irony in the writer's voice. ;) Sabering in God isn't enough if we don't have a relationship!

      You did!!! Yay! That book was so impactful for me...it really made me see the importance of sharing the Gospel. I'll admit that I'm still not diligent enough in that area of life, but I know that One Thing You Can't Do in Heaven really changed my viewpoint and encouraged me. =) What did you think? Are you going to make practical changes to your "witnessing life" now? =)

      I always love your comments. You are so encouraging, Ariel. ♥

  8. Oh, yes! Isn't knowing God supposed to change everything? God made that whole idea come alive to me as I listened to a certain sermon by David Platt based on chapter 3 of Philippians.

    "I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead." - verses 10 and 11.

    That's some intimate, personal and involved sort of knowing!

    I want to conocer God, too!

    1. Those verses exhibit a very passionate, sacrificial relationship, Jordy. And that shows another side of conocering God...not just living in His power, His love, and His Spirit but also being willing to suffer and die for Him. Does that willingness come as a result of having the conocer type of relationship? Being willing (and eager) to participate in Christ's sufferings is a very dedicated, strong bond. May all of us be able to do the same for Him. ♥

      Thank you so much for sharing, Jordy...would you be willing to share the name of the sermon you watched by David Platt? =)

    2. Wow... it's been many months since I watched it, but I think it's this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyjOfntk7bw, Don't Waste Your Life - Part 1

      But what you said; yes! That "very dedicated, strong bond"; that's just what I would like to be able to express in fullness! But knowing Christ is so great and deep and unfathomable - such a great treasure - that it's hard to truly express.

    3. Thank you for sharing the link, Jordy! I will try to make a point to listen to it soon.

      I agree. That relationship is hard to even imagine, much less express! Thank you for sharing. =)
